
Hypnosis utilizes the healing power of the person’s own mind.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is rapidly emerging as a highly effective science in solving a wide range of health problems. It has been accepted by the American Medical Association since 1958.

Many people have preconceived and incorrect ideas about hypnosis because of how it has been portrayed on television and in the movies. Or perhaps they’ve seen a stage show where a hypnotist has ‘made’ someone act like a chicken while in hypnosis implying that you do things against your will. Let’s dispel some of those myths.

Hypnosis is a natural state we go in and out of throughout the day. It’s the state when you are first waking up in the morning or right before you fall asleep at night. Most of us enter a hypnotic state every day when we are so absorbed in a good book or watching television so intently we tune out the sounds around us. Have you ever driven somewhere and arrived at your destination wondering how you got there? You were so focused on thoughts in your mind, you didn’t thing about driving because you know how to do so. Even daydreaming is a light state of hypnosis. That focused thinking is hypnosis. It’s not as strange as we may have thought. In fact, it’s so natural, some people think they weren’t hypnotized because they were expecting it to feel weird, or that they would be unaware of what was happening.

In hypnosis, we speak to that deeper part of you where all change takes place. All hypnosis is self- hypnosis in that you control the process at all times. The hypnotist is simply the guide. Hypnosis is not done to you but with you.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis accesses the subconscious. The subconscious mind functions at a much deeper level than our usual awareness and is not restricted by time or logic. It remembers everything we have seen, heard or experienced. Using hypnosis, we can access the subconscious and reprogram ourselves.

Your subconscious is powerful! It’s where your imagination is located which is the most powerful tool in hypnosis. Suggestions given to you in hypnosis are thousands of times more powerful than suggestions given to you in your conscious state. The conscious mind, where your ‘will power’ is located, is weak compared to the strength and depth of the subconscious.

Suggestions given to you in the hypnotic state, provided you like and accept them, can make where all healing and change takes place. The effectiveness of hypnosis is based on cooperation. If the suggestions given to you are acceptable, hypnosis will work to make changes in how you think, feel and act.

Expect to be successful and you will be successful. You are just as deserving as anyone else to have everything you want in life. Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to use to help you achieve your goals. There are no potential negative side effects with hypnosis, and it can give multiple benefits at the same time.

Hypnosis at the Cellular Level

The human mind has the ability to affect change at the cellular level. The sound of a crying baby will cause nursing mothers to lactate even if it is not their own baby. The body will respond to hypnotic suggestions such as slowing or stopping the blood flow to a tumor resulting in the change of the tumor. Hypnosis stimulates the healing powers of the mind to its fullest potential.

The days of thinking hypnosis is just a bunch of parlor tricks is fading into history as many doctors are coming to understand how powerful the human mind really is.

How Hypnosis Can Help You?

Many people think of hypnosis exclusively for smoking or weight loss but aren’t aware of the many benefits of the use of hypnosis in other areas.

  • Change in Behavior: Additionally, hypnosis is excellent for working with changes in behavior in any area including learning to look at life more positively and optimistically. In hypnosis you can discover what is “blocking” you and all that you desire.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Research repeatedly states that the root cause of many illnesses is stress. Hypnosis and learning self- hypnosis is a wonderful avenue to feel good overall.
  • IBS: Hypnosis is one of the most successful treatment approaches for chronic IBS. The response rate to treatment is 80% and better in most published studies to date.
  • Pain: Hypnosis is one method suggested by the National Institute of Health for chronic pain.
  • Phobias or Fears: All phobia’s are irrational. We are only born with two fears: a fear of falling and a fear of sudden loud noises. All other fears are learned from past experiences in our lives. Whether you have a fear of spiders, tall buildings, driving, water, the dark, public speaking or fear of failure. Dealing with fears and phobias are very effective with hypnosis.
  • Smoking and Weight Loss: A study by the University of Connecticut found that the use of hypnosis even once for those wishing to lose weight lost nearly twice as much weight as the control group. Those wishing to stop smoking, when motivated, find enormous success.

Managing Stress with Hypnosis

Most people deal with stress by taking a pill, but in the long run all it does is mask it. Stress is a state of mind which is why hypnosis can be such a wonderful avenue to help reduce it.

Executive Stress

People in executive positions experience complex stress because their decisions often affect many people. Stress left unmanaged can lead to more serious health concerns including ulcers, hypertension, and heart attacks.

Anxiety Management

Stress and anxiety are different. Stress is present tense, anxiety is future tense. Often the things that people are anxious about never happen. Managing anxiety with hypnosis is very easy. Surgery preparation, panic attacks, and hypertension are just a few area’s hypnosis can be of great benefit.

A doctor’s referral is required for any medically diagnosed illness.

“I’ve worked with Patricia for a year and it’s changed my life in so many ways. Most importantly, I’ve gotten back my quality of life and reclaimed the essence of who I am, a fearless, joyful soul who’s here on a mission!

Patricia is a gifted listener and hypnotherapist. Unlike traditional therapy, I was actually getting better, not worse! This process is the only real “short cut” to my wellness for me because it allowed me to actually see, feel, and experience what was happening in my subconscious mind and CHANGE it.

Patricia is a genuinely kind person who demeanor is comforting like Mr. Rogers, and playful like an old friend. She cheered me on and saw me through tremendous pain and played an integral role in my journey to freedom of self.

I will also say this process was weirdly FUN because I went on soul adventures that took me to magical lands and awakened my own spiritual gifts. My life path was forever changed for the better because I listened to myself and came to her; and because Patricia listened to and believed me…that disempowered, weakened being in front of her was in fact a mighty warrior who’d lost her way. I needed someone to shine the flashlight on the path back to my mighty, funny, fearless self, and together we did just that. ~S.